National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

L.E.A.D National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Police thinblueline

Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! Today, we celebrate the brave men and women who serve our communities as law enforcement officers.

We know that being a police officer is often thankless work. You face danger daily to protect us from harm and uphold justice for all citizens of our country. We are deeply grateful for your service and commitment to keeping us safe – especially during these difficult times when many of you have been asked to do more with less resources than ever before.

Today, take some time out of your day (or night) shift to enjoy this special recognition! Whether it’s grabbing lunch with a fellow officer or taking an extra break in between calls, make sure you find time today just for yourself so that you can recharge those batteries before heading back on duty tomorrow morning!

From everyone here at DutyHonorCourage, we want to say THANK YOU once again for everything that you do each day – no matter how big or small -to keep us safe in these uncertain times!

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